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What's Happening Downtown

What is the Downtown Business Improvement Association?

A Business Improvement Area (BIA) is an association of businesses and commercial property owners within a specified commercial area who join to promote the economic development of the district through various marketing, beautification, safety and advocacy initiatives.


Downtown Prince George will take actions and execute initiatives that are aimed at enhancing the safety, cleanliness, and attractiveness of the downtown community for you as a business owner, as well as our residents, and visitors.


Downtown Prince George provides support, resources, and tools so that your business can grow strong and healthy economically.


Downtown Prince George encourages and contributes to the success of your business and downtown through various marketing campaigns, public relations, publicity, and events.


Downtown Prince George exists to encourage you as entrepreneurs and professionals to achieve success in our downtown neighbourhood.  We offer strong partnerships and resources to ensure and support the accomplishments of our downtown business community.